Behind the scenes of our warehouse re-labelling!
All of us at BOXXD have been extremely busy making our customers experience better. One of the ways we found to make a great first impression was to release assembly videos which visually show and talk customers through the process of putting the boxes together. Most of our packaging is easy to assemble but it's just a few that are a little tricky if you don't know how.
Where to find the assembly videos?
So what we've done is placed QR codes on all of our products. Now most of our customers in Australia haven't had much exposure to QR codes before because they are predominately used overseas; however, they are an incredible way to easily find the specific information you require.

It's really simple to bring up the product video, all you need to do is simply scan the QR code with a mobile or tablet by using your camera as if you were going to take a photo. Then a pop-up link will prompt you to open the video. Our videos will start to auto-play and you can click for sound.
As our presenter Mel says, "once you do it once, it becomes super easy and you may even think why didn't I think of that before". Nonetheless, the partnership between us and our customers is extremely important as we wish to work with customers to make their businesses run as efficiently and smoothly as possible. We really do hope this investment in videos is something you're enjoying. Of course, we'd love to take you along on the journey, so make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and reach out to us on live chat if you have any feedback!

Make sure to follow us on instagram to always be up-to-date with BOXXD!